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tv   CBS Evening News  CBS  November 25, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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was yasser arafat poisoned eight years ago? allen pizzey with details of a new inquiry into his death. and the rebirth of a long lost language. seth doane shows us kids learning about their heritage one word at a time. captioning sponsored by cbs this is the "cbs evening news." >> glor: good evening, i'm jeff glor. the turmoil in egypt turned deadly today, continuing fallout from president mohammed morsi's sweeping expansion of his powers on thursday when he said courts can no longer review his decisions. here is the latest. one person was killed and 60 hurt in a clash at a muslim brotherhood office. president morsi meets the top judges who oppose his move tomorrow. both sides plan major demonstrations on tuesday. we begin with holly williams in cairo.
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>> reporter: there were running street battles in central cairo today as protestors angry with president morsi clashed with the police. they fought with rocks and tear gas canisters in chaotic themes but without either side gaining very much ground. on tahrir square the home of last year's egyptian revolution peaceful protestors are staging a sit-in. they've set up camp and say they will stay until the president rescinds the decree that gave him sweeping new powers. their banner demands an egypt for all egyptians. but less than a year after its transition to democracy this country looks increasingly divided. president morsi reiterated today that his new powers are only temporary. he said he'll relinquish them next year when egyptians will elect a parliament and vote on a new constitution. many people here accept that. but his political opponents like george ishaq are suspicious of
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both president morsi and the muslim brotherhood, the islamist group from which he draws his support. >> reporter: with their positions so hardened, finding a solution to this crisis that all egyptians can accept may be impossible. some people here are trying to mount a legal challenge to president morsi's decree but given that he has made himself immune to the courts that may be useless. and one prominent egyptian liberal had even suggested that the military might intervene. that like so much else that is happening here does not bode well for egyptian democracy. >> glor: holly williams, thank you. we're joined by former undersecretary of state nicholas
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burns. how do you assess the power struggle that is going on right now? >> well, jeff, this is a big and dramatic moment in the course of the egyptian revolution. you have, if you will, the new egypt represented by mohamed morsi and the islamists and muslim brotherhood against, versus the old egypt in the court system, people appointed by a mubarak and the issue of course as you know is will there be a constitutional assembly that will proceed with a new constitution, will that proceed or will the court strike it down. i think the islamists have the advantage right now. morsi does because he has tremendous public support from his movement, and there will be dueling demonstrations on tuesday. i would expect the muslim brotherhood dominated that demonstration to be the larger one. >> the other question is what account u.s. do, what should the u.s. do? >> this is going to be a difficult balancing act for the obama administration because, of course, the united states must support the continuation of democracy especially in egypt which is the heart of the arab
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world. and so i think you'll see some criticism by the state department and white house where president morsi has announced but on the other hand you saw last week how important morsi was in putting together the cease-fire between israel and hamas. he will be important on issues like iran, on countering terrorism. he now is one of the dominant figures in the middle east. so the administration doesn't want to alienate him but i do think they have to speak truth to power. and there will be criticism both from the united states and many other countries about this worrisome sign of possible return to authoritarianism in egypt. >> glor: nicholas burns, thank you. palestinian authority president abbas spoke to his supporters on the eve of his departure to the united nation where he will argue that plan should be upgraded to an observer state. abbas's predecessor yasser arafat died eight years ago. some still suspect foul play. as allen pizzey reports tonight an extraordinary step will be taken this week trying to resolve doubts once and for all.
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>> reporter: for many palestinians yasser arafat is more a relic of history than part of the ongoing struggle for an independent state. for a brief period this week, however, he will be thrust back into the limelight. his body will be exhumed on tuesday to find out if he was poisoned by polonium-210 a radioactive isotope that causes certain death. a palestinian official is no doubt. you believe he was poisoned. >> yes. >> reporter: by whom? >> let's wait and see but everybody knows who are the enemies of the palestinian people. >> reporter: for reasons of dignity the mausoleum has been closed off from public view and this is as close as cameras are allowed to come. three separate samples will be taken from his body by especially invited forensic teams from switzerland, france and russia. the results of the investigation aren't expected for several months but arafat's body will immediately be reburied with full military honors. palestinians are convinced israel supplied the poison. this man is more interested if
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they had help from palestinian collaborators. >> reporter: in the meantime his image remains useful. it held pride of place at a demonstration today to support a bid to gain observer status at the united nations for the palestinian state arafat spent his life trying to create two days after he was to be dug up and reburied. allen pizzey, cbs news, ramallah. >> glor: the investigation continues tonight after a terrible fire at a garment factory in bangladesh. officials say there were no emergency exits so panicked workers jumped from windows. some as high as eight stories up as the fire spread. so far at least 112 people are known to have died. in this country retailers are hoping for strong sales this holiday season. consumers are expected to spend
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nearly 750 dollars on average, this year. that's up nearly $9 over 2011. and as elaine quijano reports the buying has gotten off to a strong start. >> reporter: black friday weekend was a success by any measure. an estimated 89 million people were out shopping this weekend. three million more than last year. michael gatti with the national retail federation says shoppers spent more on gifts and on themselves. >> that adds up to about $59 billion in spending this year compared to $52 billion last year. >> reporter: at every turn retailers are fighting for a slice of the half trillion dollars in projected holiday spending this season. both in stores and on-line. steve krezner is c.e.o. of >> some people like the social aspect of being in the store with others. some people like to shop in their bunny slippers, so for some it is the anonymity and convenient of doing 24 hour a day from their own living room.
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>> all the stores it says all the discounts for today. >> reporter: what is new this year, the explosion of shoppers, one in four, using mobile devices to find the best deal. nearly double that of last year. and a trend that is expected to continue. >> this is a huge evolution that we're seeing in the way customers shop. and it's being brought on by mobile devices and all this new technology that we've got. >> reporter: despite the black friday onslaught tomorrow expect cybermonday discounts to be very competitive. >> reporter: cybermonday is still relevant because you know we're expecting about 129 million consumers to shop from their offices tomorrow. >> reporter: but brick and mortar stores are fighting back. by tuesday best buy, target and other major retailers will match any on-line price in an effort to get to you buy right now. elaine quijano, cbs news, new york. >> glor: black friday, cybermonday, now giving tuesday. that's what some 2,000 charities are hoping to make happen
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starting this year. eileen heisman is with the national philanthropic trust. >> giving gives you a different kind of pleasure and feeling. and i think that giving back is so much a part of who we are that it puts the rest of the holidays in balance. >> glor: over 40% of all charitable donations last year came in between thanksgiving and christmas. most were from individuals. later the native american tribe that was first to encounter the pilgrims getting its language back. a new documentary chronicles how five teens spent years in jail for a crime they did not commit. and the independent senator who hopes to be a bipartisan bridge. those stories when the "cbs evening news" continues. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help.
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starts with arthritis pain and a choice. take tylenol or take aleve, the #1 recommended pain reliever by orthopedic doctors. just two aleve can keep pain away all day. back to the news. >> glor: the state fire marshal says friday night's huge gas explosion in springfield, massachusetts, was caused when a utility worker punctured a pipe when investigating a leak. the explosion damaged 42
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buildings and hurt 18 people. a lame duck congress returns this week with barely a month left to avoid the fiscal cliff of mandatory tax hikes and spending cuts. retiring senator joe lieberman today lamented the lack of bipartisanship on capitol hill. >> in my opinion the last two years, 2011-12 have been the least productive and most partisan and uncompromising in my 24 years here. the public seemed outraged at the status quo that produced so little. >> glor: newly elected senator angus king is vowing to help break the logjam by doing what so many others in congress will not, compromise. chip reid caught up with king on the streets of maine. >> if somebody comes to you and says i'm not going to compromise, what they're really saying is i have 100 percent of the truth. i'm 100% right. >> reporter: angus king says he's 100% certain of only one thing. that neither the democrats nor
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the republicans are always right. that is why when he takes his seat in january as the new senator from maine he will be doing it as an independent. >> the people are absolutely fed up with this nonsense. they have had it with washington not being able to get anything done. if you get people in a room, if you share a common understanding of the facts you can generally find common ground. and that's exactly the role that i hope i can play. >> reporter: he served two terms as governor of maine where he says he learned the value of being an independent. >> i don't have to check with anybody about what my positions are. i can call them as i see them. and that's what i did for eight years as governor there was one glorious six-week period where i had both parties picketing my office. >> reporter: at 68 king has been out of politics for a decade but says he felt compelled to return because the stakes are so high. he agrees with the democrats that higher tax revenues must be on the table in the upcoming budget negotiations. but as a successful businessman,
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angus is more in sync with republicans on cutting spending and deficits which he says are urgent priorities. >> we're digging a hole very fast. and the first rule of getting out of holes is to stop digging. right now we're digging at the rate of about a trillion dollars a year. i think the economy is sort of waiting, this deficit is like a dark cloud over everything. >> reporter: king worries, though, that nothing will get done if the senate doesn't change its ways. he wants to change the rules on filibusters which allow a minority of senators to bring the senate floor to a halt. >> that was the central core of my campaign, that we have to be thinking with about and working on making the institution work, reaching decisions, compromising. >> reporter: you're going have to be a pretty strong suspension bridge if are you going to be a bridge between those two parties. >> i like the image of a bridge. >> reporter: a bridge he hopes will bring the senates two warring sides together. chip reid, brunswick, maine. >> glor: it is one of the country's most notorious criminal conviction. a new film examines the
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nightmare of the central park five next. ermacare works differ. it's the only wrap with patented heat cells that penetrate deep to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. for up to 16 hours of relief, try thermacare. heartburn symptoms causedelieve by acid reflux disease. to relax, soothe, and unlock tight muscles. osteoporosis-related bone fractures and low magnesium levels have been seen with nexium. possible side effects include headache, diarrhea, and abdominal pain. other serious stomach conditions may still exist. talk to your doctor about nexium. [ male announcer ] it's that time of year again. medicare open enrollment. time to compare plans and costs. you don't have to make changes. but it never hurts to see if you can find better coverage, save money, or both. and check out the preventive benefits you get after the health care law. ♪ open enrollment ends december 7th. so now's the time.
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>> glor: it was a horrific crime, a jogger beaten, raped and left for dead in new york central park. five teenagers were tried, convicted and sent to prison. the problem, they weren't guilty.
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michelle miller spoke with two of them and tells the story of a documentary that was released this weekend. >> reporter: in april 1989 a 28- year-old white female jogger was raped, beaten and left for dead in central park. the nypd quickly accused five teenagers who were in the park that night. four were black, one was hispanic. suspect yusef salaam was 15 at the time. >> the narrative that they sold the public was completely false. >> reporter: it was a case built on false confessions but the story of interracial gang rape gripped a city whose crime rate had soared. >> they wanted to solve this case so quickly that they felt like the story of the five felt much, much better than there being one person. >> reporter: suspect raymond santana was 14. help us understand why you confessed. >> we were 14, 15, 16-year-olds.
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who had never been involved with the law, who never had a criminal record, who were very naive. and then you add in new food no drink, no water, no sleep and then you throw in the number one ingredient is pressure. >> reporter: but their statements were inconsistent. there were no witnesses and no d.n.a. evidence against the five. the jogger had no memory of the attack. still, two trial juries convicted them all, salaam, santana and two other juvenile its served seven years, a fifth served 13. >> there wasn't enough skepticism, people weren't asking the right questions. >> reporter: sarah burns produced and directed a new film called the central park five. she had help from her father, renowned documentarian ken burns and her filmmaker husband david mcmahon. >> this is about these five men who were children and who were completely dehumanized. they had no voice. they were treated as animals. >> reporter: in 2002 after 13 years an incarcerated serial
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rapist and murderer came forward with a true confession in the jogger attack, corroborated by d.n.a. evidence. courts agreed to throw out the convictions of the central park five. >> our records have been wiped clean. but the indelible scar going to prison is still there. >> reporter: they were once registered sexual predators who couldn't get a job. now 38 salaam and santana both work for hospitals and are fathers. >> i don't know, you know, what would be in my future. got to put one step forward and move on. >> reporter: a lawsuit against the police and prosecutors behind the wrongful convictions is pending. but they say no amount of money could give them back the years they lost. michelle miller, cbs news, new york. >> glor: the civil lawsuit that has been filed itself has become part of the story. new york city wants the filmmakers to turn over their raw interviews. they refuse citing their rights as journalists to protect their sources. the record powerball jackpot is
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getting even bigger. nobody won last night so this week's prize is jumping to at least $425 million. the largest in powerball history. the next drawing is wednesday night. the rolling stones marked their 50th anniversary tonight with, what else, a concert in london. 69-year-old mick jagger rolled back the years as he hit the stage singing the classic "i want to be your man." he was joined by forever young bandmates keith richards, ronnie wood and charlie watts. still ahead, learning a language that was nearly lost forever. t, there's a kick to it. wahlalalalallala! smooth, but crisp. it's kind of like drinking a food that's a drink, or a drink that's a food, woooooh! [ male announcer ] taste it and describe the indescribable. could've had a v8. i took my son fishing every year. we had a great spot, not easy to find, but worth it.
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but with copd making it hard to breathe, i thought those days might be over. so my doctor prescribed symbicort. it helps significantly improve my lung function starting within five minutes. symbicort doesn't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden symptoms. with symbicort, today i'm breathing better. and that on! symbicort is for copd including chronic bronchitis and emphysema. it should not be taken more than twice a day. symbicort may increase your risk of lung infections, osteoporosis, and some eye problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. with copd, i thought i'd miss our family tradition. now symbicort significantly improves my lung function, starting within 5 minutes. and that makes a difference in my breathing. today, we're ready for whatever swims our way. ask your doctor about symbicort. i got my first prescription free. call or click to learn more. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, astrazeneca may be able to help. [ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication, an intense burning sensation i woke up with this horrible rash on my right side.
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mom? i'm ok. grandma? hi sweetie! she operates the head. [ male announcer ] campbell's chunky soup. it fills you up right. >> glor: finally tonight very few members of the native american tribe that pilgrims first encountered in southern new england survive today but their language nearly lost is experiencing a modern day revival. seth doane with the story of the wampanoag. >> reporter: this text is not only unfamiliar, it was unknown. part of the once lost language of the wampanoag tribe. community elder joan tavares-
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avant believes decoding the documents counsel lock hidden details. >> language to me is culture and identity. >> reporter: why so important? >> it has value. that's who you are. >> reporter: 69 wampanoag communities once thrived across new england. today only four remain. there were once more than 300 different languages spoken by native americans across north america. but around 125 of those have been lost. the first to be brought back to life was the wampanoag language, in part because it was written down. the bible is translated into wampanoag in an effort to convert native americans into christianity, today that bible along with documents including land agreements with colonizers are used as a sort of rosseta stone to decipher what was lost.
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>> they wanted us to learn the english language and they wanted to civilize us. >> reporter: tavares-avant says that dealt a blow to a culture where much was passed down orally. it's interesting that what were, in essence, the tools of oppression whether converting to christianity through this translated bible, those tools are now the tools that are being used to piece this language back together. >> uh-huh. that's what we have. that's all we have. >> reporter: since 1993 the mashpee, massachusetts, wampanoag language reclamation project has worked to rebuild this language. today wampanoag is being taught year-round. >> tracey kelly is one of just two full-time wampanoag teachers. >> they're taught from day one that this is very special work, this is sacred, language is special. >> reporter: the language reclamation project is now trying to raise money to build a grade school.
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after all, this is about more than just decoding words and text. >> if i was a peacock i could have a lot of feathers, just to hear them speak it, it is almost like medicine. >> reporter: how? >> because it heals me. >> reporter: it's about an entire community finding its voice. seth doane, cbs news, mashpee, massachusetts. >> jeff: that is the "cbs evening news" tonight. i'm jeff glor, cbs news in new york. good night. capt the difference in salaries r state lawmakers compared ton they were at the city level. "he's not someone that i thk should lead our flock." church members not happy wih their new pastor. his previous promoted to the state level but because of the pay cut they are getting paid on the city level. church members not happy with their new pastor. his previous problems, many in the congregation make him unfit to preach. the busiest travel day of
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the year. how was the commute home from the thanksgiving weekend shaping up? ,,,,,,


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